For businesses without an existing website, we build the website on our platform for you and provide training so you can maintain it.
For businesses with an existing website, we rebuild your existing website onto our platform, and make updates to the design, if desired, as part of the move, as well as provide training so you can maintain your site, if this is something you would like to do.
$330 inc GST
Design and build website
Update to 6 pages
SEO and Google Search Console configuration for improved search results
Changes during the first month of site being live included
$440 inc GST
Design and build website
Greater than 6 pages
SEO and Google Search Console configuration for improved search results
Changes during the first month of site being live included
$440 inc GST
Design and build website
Update to 6 pages
SEO and Google Search Console configuration for improved search results
Changes during the first month of site being live included
Initial loading of first 10 products into the store included. *
$550 inc GST
Design and build website
Greater than 6 pages
SEO and Google Search Console configuration for improved search results
Changes during the first month of site being live included
Initial loading of first 10 products into the store included. *
* We can also perform a full load of the products into an e-Commerce site. The fee for this would vary depending on how many products there are to load.
These are some of the websites we have developed for local businesses.
We sponsor Swan Hill Gymnastics and the Swan Hill Show by providing their online technology needs (including their websites) and provide the Swan Hill Directory and Swan Hill Online websites as part of our support for local businesses.

Click on any of the samples to visit the respective website.