Originally announced in 2015, and first launched in 2016, PWAs have been around for a while, but in recent years started to gain traction, and will continue to grow in usage moving forwards.
PWAs blend websites and applications into a single experience. They are websites, but with the potential for limited access to local resources (like the camera or location of your phone, even push notifications).
They “install” on computers, phone and tablets and launch like an app, but unlike a traditional app, they don’t require updates from the Play Store or App Store (what seems like every other week with some apps - we all know those prompts about application X needs an update), and unlike a website, they don’t launch your entire Web browser to run.
Think of them as the best parts of a website with the best parts of having apps.
Some examples you might already be using and not even realise are
And millions of more sites. (Netflix is even working towards it’s apps being PWAs)
Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome (and others like Brave will work)
The app will be installed and appear in your “All Apps” list.
Alternatively -
Google Chrome
Once the website is open in the browser, click Settings > Add to Home screen
The app will be installed and appear in your “All Apps” list.
Microsoft Edge
Once the website is open in the browser, click Settings > Add to screen (you may have to open the settings drawer by dragging it up, to access the Add to screen link)
The app will be installed and appear in your “All Apps” list.
Operating System: iOS 11.3 and above
Alternatively follow the steps provided by Apple here .
Browser: Microsoft Edge Chrome or Google Chrome
Operating System: Windows 10
Google Chrome
The shortcut will now be on the desktop and on the Start menu, and when clicked, will launch like any other Windows application.
Microsoft Edge
The shortcut will now be on the desktop and on the Start menu, and when clicked, will launch like any other Windows application.
Browser: Google Chrome
Browser: Google Chrome
Browser: Google Chrome